There would be no life without
love; anyone who fears and avoids love is not free.
 Anton Chekhov, My Life (1896). copy citation

Author Anton Chekhov
Source My Life
Topic fear love
Date 1896
Language English
Note Translated by Constance Garnett


“me, and is always trying to make me feel that I have treated her badly. He is right from his standpoint, but I have my point of view too; and I shall never regret all that has happened. One must love; we ought all to love--oughtn't we? There would be no life without love; anyone who fears and avoids love is not free." Little by little he passed to other subjects, began talking of science, of his dissertation which had been liked in Petersburg. He was carried away by his subject, and no longer thought of my sister, nor of his grief, nor of me.” source