The wise man, in doing one thing, does all; or, in the one thing he does rightly, he sees the likeness of all which is done rightly.
 Ralph Waldo Emerson, Nature (1836). copy citation

Author Ralph Waldo Emerson
Source Nature
Topic likeness
Date 1836
Language English


“They cannot cover the dimensions of what is in truth. They break, chop, and impoverish it. An action is the perfection and publication of thought. A right action seems to fill the eye, and to be related to all nature. "The wise man, in doing one thing, does all; or, in the one thing he does rightly, he sees the likeness of all which is done rightly." Words and actions are not the attributes of brute nature. They introduce us to the human form, of which all other organizations appear to be degradations. When this appears among so many that surround it, the spirit prefers it to all others.” source