Everything that is done by reason of ignorance is not voluntary; it is only what produces pain and repentance that is involuntary.
 Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics (c. 334 BC - 330 BC). copy citation

Author Aristotle
Source Nicomachean Ethics
Topic repentance pain
Date c. 334 BC - 330 BC
Language English
Note Translated by W. D. Ross
Weblink http://classics.mit.edu/Aristotle/nicomachaen.mb.txt


“And those who act under compulsion and unwillingly act with pain, but those who do acts for their pleasantness and nobility do them with pleasure; it is absurd to make external circumstances responsible, and not oneself, as being easily caught by such attractions, and to make oneself responsible for noble acts but the pleasant objects responsible for base acts. The compulsory, then, seems to be that whose moving principle is outside, the person compelled contributing nothing.
Everything that is done by reason of ignorance is not voluntary; it is only what produces pain and repentance that is involuntary. For the man who has done something owing to ignorance, and feels not the least vexation at his action, has not acted voluntarily, since he did not know what he was doing, nor yet involuntarily, since he is not pained.” source