If happiness is activity in accordance with virtue, it is reasonable that it should be in accordance with the highest virtue
 Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics (c. 334 BC - 330 BC). copy citation

Author Aristotle
Source Nicomachean Ethics
Topic happiness virtue
Date c. 334 BC - 330 BC
Language English
Note Translated by W. D. Ross
Weblink http://classics.mit.edu/Aristotle/nicomachaen.mb.txt


“but no one assigns to a slave a share in happiness-unless he assigns to him also a share in human life. For happiness does not lie in such occupations, but, as we have said before, in virtuous activities. 7 If happiness is activity in accordance with virtue, it is reasonable that it should be in accordance with the highest virtue; and this will be that of the best thing in us. Whether it be reason or something else that is this element which is thought to be our natural ruler and guide and to take thought of things noble and divine, whether it be itself also divine or only the most divine element in us, the activity of this in accordance with its proper virtue will be perfect happiness.” source