We can no more escape from the light than from the shadow.
 Victor Hugo, Ninety-Three (1874). copy citation

Author Victor Hugo
Source Ninety-Three
Topic escape shadow
Date 1874
Language English
Weblink https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Ninety-three


“For when events, which are changeable, ask us a question, justice, which is immutable, calls upon us to reply. Behind the cloud, which casts a shadow over us, there is a star, giving us a ray of light. We can no more escape from the light than from the shadow. Gauvain went through an examination. He was in the presence of some one. Before a formidable judge. His own conscience. Gauvain felt everything wavering within him. His firmest resolutions, his most carefully made promises, his most irrevocable decisions, everything was swaying in the depths of his will.” source