The real old heroes have more coolness than the young men because they are farther from the sunrise, and more audacious because they are nearer death.
 Victor Hugo, Ninety-Three (1874). copy citation

Author Victor Hugo
Source Ninety-Three
Topic death hero
Date 1874
Language English


“Three pieces drawn by horses strengthened the column, and at the same time left it easily handled. Lantenac also was a warrior and still more formidable. He was both more reflective and more daring. The real old heroes have more coolness than the young men because they are farther from the sunrise, and more audacious because they are nearer death. What have they to lose? so little! Hence, Lantenac's rash movements, which were at the same time so skillful. But in the main, in this obstinate hand-to-hand conflict, Gauvain almost always had the advantage.” source