Nothing is so like a soul as a bee. It goes from flower to flower as a soul from star to star, and it gathers honey as a soul gathers light.
 Victor Hugo, Ninety-Three (1874). copy citation

Author Victor Hugo
Source Ninety-Three
Topic light stars
Date 1874
Language English


“Georgette pointed her finger towards the swallows, and exclaimed,— "Chickies!" René-Jean reprimanded her,— "They are not chickens, they are birds." "Boords," said Georgette. And all three looked at the swallows. Then a bee flew in. Nothing is so like a soul as a bee. It goes from flower to flower as a soul from star to star, and it gathers honey as a soul gathers light. This one made a great noise as he came in buzzing at the top of his voice, and he seemed to say: "I have just seen the roses, and now I come to see the children. What is going on here?" A bee is a housewife, and it scolds while it sings.” source