Consumption is a queer disease, it is not like fever.
 Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Notes from Underground (1864). copy citation

Author Fyodor Dostoyevsky
Source Notes from Underground
Topic disease fever
Date 1864
Language English


“No, Liza, it would be happy for you if you were to die soon of consumption in some corner, in some cellar like that woman just now. In the hospital, do you say? You will be lucky if they take you, but what if you are still of use to the madam here? Consumption is a queer disease, it is not like fever. The patient goes on hoping till the last minute and says he is all right. He deludes himself And that just suits your madam. Don't doubt it, that's how it is; you have sold your soul, and what is more you owe money, so you daren't say a word.” source