How can a man be left with nothing to do for forty years?
 Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Notes from Underground (1864). copy citation

Author Fyodor Dostoyevsky
Source Notes from Underground
Topic leaving
Date 1864
Language English


“"Then why have you written all this?" you will say to me. "I ought to put you underground for forty years without anything to do and then come to you in your cellar, to find out what stage you have reached! How can a man be left with nothing to do for forty years?" "Isn't that shameful, isn't that humiliating?" you will say, perhaps, wagging your heads contemptuously. "You thirst for life and try to settle the problems of life by a logical tangle. And how persistent, how insolent are your sallies, and at the same time what a scare you are in!” source