The wealthy are attentive to the raising of vegetables, but very little so to fruits.
 Thomas Jefferson, Notes on the State of Virginia (1785). copy citation

Author Thomas Jefferson
Source Notes on the State of Virginia
Date 1785
Language English


“The poorest people build huts of logs, laid horizontally in pens, stopping the interstices with mud. These are warmer in winter, and cooler in summer, than the more expensive constructions of scantling and plank. The wealthy are attentive to the raising of vegetables, but very little so to fruits. The poorer people attend to neither, living principally on milk and animal diet. This is the more inexcusable, as the climate requires indispensably a free use of vegetable food, for health as well as comfort, and is very friendly to the raising of fruits.—The only public buildings worthy mention are the Capitol, the Palace, the college, and the Hospital for Lunatics, all of them in Williamsburgh, heretofore the seat of our government.” source