Men, faithless men, betray Our easy faith, and make our sex their prey
 Homer, Odyssey (c. 850 BC). copy citation

Author Homer
Source Odyssey
Topic faith sex
Date c. 850 BC
Language English
Note Translated by Alexander Pope


“And from the flower of life the bliss deny To bloom together, fade away, and die. O let me, let me not thine anger move, That I forbore, thus, thus to speak my love: Thus in fond kisses, while the transport warms Pour out my soul and die within thine arms! I dreaded fraud! Men, faithless men, betray Our easy faith, and make our sex their prey: Against the fondness of my heart I strove: ’Twas caution, O my lord! not want of love. Like me had Helen fear’d, with wanton charms Ere the fair mischief set two worlds in arms; Ere Greece rose dreadful in the avenging day;” source