For man is changeful, as his bliss or woe! Too high when prosperous, when distress’d too low.
 Homer, Odyssey (c. 850 BC). copy citation

Author Homer
Source Odyssey
Topic woe
Date c. 850 BC
Language English
Note Translated by Alexander Pope


“calamitous by birth: To-day, with power elate, in strength he blooms; The haughty creature on that power presumes: Anon from Heaven a sad reverse he feels: Untaught to bear, ’gainst Heaven the wretch rebels. For man is changeful, as his bliss or woe! Too high when prosperous, when distress’d too low. There was a day, when with the scornful great I swell’d in pomp and arrogance of state; Proud of the power that to high birth belongs; And used that power to justify my wrongs. Then let not man be proud;” source