It's the greatest mistake in the world to think that one needs money to bring up a family.
 W. Somerset Maugham, Of Human Bondage (1915). copy citation

Author W. Somerset Maugham
Source Of Human Bondage
Topic money family
Date 1915
Language English


“I earn three pounds a week as press agent to a linendraper, and every day I thank God that I'm not in the little red brick house in Kensington." Sally brought in Cheddar cheese, and Athelny went on with his fluent conversation. "It's the greatest mistake in the world to think that one needs money to bring up a family. You need money to make them gentlemen and ladies, but I don't want my children to be ladies and gentlemen. Sally's going to earn her living in another year. She's to be apprenticed to a dressmaker, aren't you, Sally?” source