Young men are more frequently wanton and dissolute than old men
 Marcus Tullius Cicero, On Friendship (44 BC). copy citation

Author Marcus Tullius Cicero
Source On Friendship
Date 44 BC
Language English
Note Translated by E. S. Shuckburgh


“For what Caecilius means by "old dotards of the comic stage" are the credulous, the forgetful, and the slipshod. These are faults that do not attach to old age as such, but to a sluggish, spiritless, and sleepy old age. Young men are more frequently wanton and dissolute than old men; but yet, as it is not all young men that are so, but the bad set among them, even so senile folly—usually called imbecility—applies to old men of unsound character, not to all. Appius governed four sturdy sons, five daughters, that great establishment, and all those clients, though he was both old and blind.” source