Bad men must have the fear of punishment before their eyes: a punishment not less severe for those who follow than for those who lead others to crime.
 Marcus Tullius Cicero, On Friendship (44 BC). copy citation

Author Marcus Tullius Cicero
Source On Friendship
Topic punishment fear
Date 44 BC
Language English
Note Translated by E. S. Shuckburgh


“We must therefore impress upon good men that, should they become inevitably involved in friendships with men of this kind, they ought not to consider themselves under any obligation to stand by friends who are disloyal to the republic. Bad men must have the fear of punishment before their eyes: a punishment not less severe for those who follow than for those who lead others to crime. Who was more famous and powerful in Greece than Themistocles? At the head of the army in the Persian war he had freed Greece; he owed his exile to personal envy: but he did not submit to the wrong done him by his ungrateful country as he ought to have done.” source