The creditor has always grown more humane proportionately as he has grown more rich
 Friedrich Nietzsche, On the Genealogy of Morality (1887). copy citation

Author Friedrich Nietzsche
Source On the Genealogy of Morality
Date 1887
Language English
Note Translated by Horace B. Samuel


“As the power and the self-consciousness of a community increases, so proportionately does the penal law become mitigated; conversely every weakening and jeopardising of the community revives the harshest forms of that law. The creditor has always grown more humane proportionately as he has grown more rich; finally the amount of injury he can endure without really suffering becomes the criterion of his wealth. It is possible to conceive of a society blessed with so great a consciousness of its own power as to indulge in the most aristocratic luxury of letting its wrong-doers go scot-free.—"What do my parasites matter to me?"” source