Complete self-confidence is not merely a sin; complete self-confidence is a weakness.
 G. K. Chesterton, Orthodoxy (1908). copy citation

Author G. K. Chesterton
Source Orthodoxy
Topic weakness confidence
Date 1908
Language English


“If you consulted your business experience instead of your ugly individualistic philosophy, you would know that believing in himself is one of the commonest signs of a rotter. Actors who can't act believe in themselves; and debtors who won't pay. It would be much truer to say that a man will certainly fail, because he believes in himself. Complete self-confidence is not merely a sin; complete self-confidence is a weakness. Believing utterly in one's self is a hysterical and superstitious belief like believing in Joanna Southcote: the man who has it has `Hanwell' written on his face as plain as it is written on that omnibus."” source