I hate and detest being poor, and I won’t be poor if I can marry money.
 Charles Dickens, Our Mutual Friend (1865). copy citation

Author Charles Dickens
Source Our Mutual Friend
Topic money hate
Date 1865
Language English
Weblink http://www.gutenberg.org/files/883/883-h/883-h.htm


“‘My de-a-r Bella!’ ‘Yes, Pa, that is the state of the case. If ever there was a mercenary plotter whose thoughts and designs were always in her mean occupation, I am the amiable creature. But I don’t care. I hate and detest being poor, and I won’t be poor if I can marry money. Now you are deliciously fluffy, Pa, and in a state to astonish the waiter and pay the bill.’ ‘But, my dear Bella, this is quite alarming at your age.’ ‘I told you so, Pa, but you wouldn’t believe it,’ returned Bella, with a pleasant childish gravity.” source