Poverty comes pleading, not for charity, for the most part, but imploring us to find a purchaser for its unmarketable wares.
 Oliver Wendell Holmes Sr., Over the Teacups (1891). copy citation

Author Oliver Wendell Holmes Sr.
Source Over the Teacups
Topic poverty charity
Date 1891
Language English
Weblink http://www.gutenberg.org/files/2689/2689-h/2689-h.htm


“What longings of disappointed, defeated fellow-mortals, trying to find a new home for themselves in the heart of one whom they have amiably idealized! And oh, what hopeless efforts of mediocrities and inferiorities, believing in themselves as superiorities, and stumbling on through limping disappointments to prostrate failure! Poverty comes pleading, not for charity, for the most part, but imploring us to find a purchaser for its unmarketable wares. The unreadable author particularly requests us to make a critical examination of his book, and report to him whatever may be our verdict,—as if he wanted anything but our praise, and that very often to be used in his publisher's advertisements.” source