It takes a great deal of love to keep down the 'climbing sorrow' that swells up in a woman's throat when such memories seize upon her, in her moments of desolation. But if a foreign-born woman does willingly give up all for a man, and never looks backward, like Lot's wife, she is a prize that it is worth running a risk to gain,—that is, if she has the making of a good woman in her
 Oliver Wendell Holmes Sr., Over the Teacups (1891). copy citation

Author Oliver Wendell Holmes Sr.
Source Over the Teacups
Topic risk memory
Date 1891
Language English


““How many a sorrowing wife, exiled from her native country, dreams of the mother she shall see no more! How many a widow, in a strange land, wishes that her poor, worn-out body could be laid among her kinsfolk, in the little churchyard where she used to gather daisies in her childhood! It takes a great deal of love to keep down the 'climbing sorrow' that swells up in a woman's throat when such memories seize upon her, in her moments of desolation. But if a foreign-born woman does willingly give up all for a man, and never looks backward, like Lot's wife, she is a prize that it is worth running a risk to gain,—that is, if she has the making of a good woman in her; and a few years will go far towards naturalizing her.” The Tutor listened to Number Five with much apparent interest. “And now,” he said, “what do you think of her companion?” “A charming girl for a man of a quiet, easy temperament.” source