All men, if they work not as in a Great Taskmaster's eye, will work wrong, work unhappily for themselves and you.
 Thomas Carlyle, Past and Present (1843). copy citation

Author Thomas Carlyle
Source Past and Present
Topic work wrong
Date 1843
Language English


“Semblances, be they of Sham-woven Cloth or of Dilettante Legislation, which are not real wool or substance, but Devil's-dust, accursed of God and man! No man has worked, or can work, except religiously; not even the poor day-labourer, the weaver of your coat, the sewer of your shoes. All men, if they work not as in a Great Taskmaster's eye, will work wrong, work unhappily for themselves and you. Industrial work, still under bondage to Mammon, the rational soul of it not yet awakened, is a tragic spectacle. Men in the rapidest motion and self-motion; restless, with convulsive energy, as if driven by Galvanism, as if possessed by a Devil;” source