Nature owns no man who is not a Martyr withal. Is there a man who pretends to live luxuriously housed up
 Thomas Carlyle, Past and Present (1843). copy citation

Author Thomas Carlyle
Source Past and Present
Topic pretending house
Date 1843
Language English


“May the merciful Heavens avert the omen; may we be wiser, that so we be less wretched. A High Class without duties to do is like a tree planted on precipices; from the roots of which all the earth has been crumbling. Nature owns no man who is not a Martyr withal. Is there a man who pretends to live luxuriously housed up; screened from all work, from want, danger, hardship, the victory over which is what we name work;—he himself to sit serene, amid down- bolsters and appliances, and have all his work and battling done by other men?” source