Man is created to fight; he is perhaps best of all definable as a born soldier
 Thomas Carlyle, Past and Present (1843). copy citation

Author Thomas Carlyle
Source Past and Present
Topic fight soldier
Date 1843
Language English


“It will be a question worth considering by and by. I remark, for the present, only two things: first, that the Fighting itself was not, as we rashly suppose it, a Fighting without cause, but more or less with cause. Man is created to fight; he is perhaps best of all definable as a born soldier; his life 'a battle and a march,' under the right General. It is forever indispensable for a man to fight: now with Necessity, with Barrenness, Scarcity, with Puddles, Bogs, tangled Forests, unkempt Cotton;—now also with the hallucinations of his poor fellow Men.” source