Man has lost the soul out of him, and begins to find the want of it.
 Thomas Carlyle, Past and Present (1843). copy citation

Author Thomas Carlyle
Source Past and Present
Topic soul beginning
Date 1843
Language English


“Book III.—The Modern Worker Chap. I. Phenomena How men have 'forgotten God;' taken the Fact of this Universe as it is not; God's Laws become a Greatest-happiness Principle, a Parliamentary Expediency. Man has lost the soul out of him, and begins to find the want of it. The old Pope of Rome, with his stuffed dummy to do the kneeling for him. Few men that worship by the rotatory Calabash, do it in half so great, frank or effectual a way. Our Aristocracy no longer able to do its work, and not in the least conscious that it has any work to do.” source