It is the very joy of man's heart to admire, where he can
 Thomas Carlyle, Past and Present (1843). copy citation

Author Thomas Carlyle
Source Past and Present
Topic joy heart
Date 1843
Language English


“O, if all Yankee-land follow a small good 'Schnuspel the distinguished Novelist' with blazing torches, dinner-invitations, universal hep-hep-hurrah, feeling that he, though small, is something; how might all Angle-land once follow a hero-martyr and great true Son of Heaven! It is the very joy of man's heart to admire, where he can; nothing so lifts him from all his mean imprisonments, were it but for moments, as true admiration. Thus it has been said, 'all men, especially all women, are born worshipers;' and will worship, if it be but possible.” source