The life of a people is but a succession of miseries, crimes, and follies.
 Anatole France, Penguin Island (1908). copy citation

Author Anatole France
Source Penguin Island
Topic misery crime
Date 1908
Language English


“This mixture of all mankind, red, black, yellow, and white, round-headed and long-headed, as formed in the course of ages a fairly homogeneous human family, and one which is recognisable by certain features due to a community of life and customs. “This idea that they belong to the best race in the world, and that they are its finest family, inspires them with noble pride, indomitable courage, and a hatred for the human race. “The life of a people is but a succession of miseries, crimes, and follies. This is true of the Penguin nation, as of all other nations. Save for this exception its history is admirable from beginning to end.” The two classic ages of the Penguins are too well-known for me to lay stress upon them.” source