Rich and poor, learned and ignorant are turning away from us.
 Anatole France, Penguin Island (1908). copy citation

Author Anatole France
Source Penguin Island
Topic learning
Date 1908
Language English


“The deceased left all her property to the Charity of St. Orberosia. “Alas!” sighed M. Monnoyer, a canon of St. Mael, as he received the pious legacy, “it was high time for a generous benefactor to come to the relief of our necessities. Rich and poor, learned and ignorant are turning away from us. And when we try to lead back these misguided souls, neither threats nor promises, neither gentleness nor violence, nor anything else is now successful. The Penguin clergy pine in desolation; our country priests, reduced to following the humblest of trades, are shoeless, and compelled to live upon such scraps as they can pick up.” source