But it is natural to resist aggression and strong men are inclined to make use of their strength.
 Anatole France, Penguin Island (1908). copy citation

Author Anatole France
Source Penguin Island
Topic strength aggression
Date 1908
Language English
Weblink http://www.gutenberg.org/files/1930/1930-h/1930-h.htm


“This movement, propagated along the alley, threw those in front against the broad chests of the police. The latter had no hatred for the Dracophils. In the bottom of their hearts they liked Chatillon. But it is natural to resist aggression and strong men are inclined to make use of their strength. For these reasons the police kicked the Dracophils with their hob-nailed boots. As a result there were sudden rushes backwards and forwards. Threats and cries mingled with the songs. “Murder! Murder!” source