There are exceptions to the laws that men of science lay down on the earth because they are imperfect and have not an exact application to nature.
 Anatole France, Penguin Island (1908). copy citation

Author Anatole France
Source Penguin Island
Topic science law
Date 1908
Language English


““Luckily it is but a passing disorder,” said St. Irenaeus. “The penguins are baptized, but their eggs are not, and the evil will stop with the present generation.” “Do not speak thus, Irenaeus my son,” said the Lord. “There are exceptions to the laws that men of science lay down on the earth because they are imperfect and have not an exact application to nature. But the laws that I establish are perfect and suffer no exception. We must decide the fate of the baptized penguins without violating any divine law, and in a manner conformable to the decalogue as well as to the commandments of my Church.”” source