fashion is the rule by which they judge what is done in other nations; whatever is foreign always seems to them ridiculous.
 Montesquieu, Persian Letters (1721). copy citation

Author Montesquieu
Source Persian Letters
Topic fashion nation
Date 1721
Language English
Note Translated by John Davidson


“Letter 101 Rica to the Same I told you the other day of the extra-ordinary inconstancy of the French in their fashions. Yet it is inconceivable to what an extent they are infatuated about them; everything is swayed by them: fashion is the rule by which they judge what is done in other nations; whatever is foreign always seems to them ridiculous. I confess that I hardly know how to reconcile this bigoted devotion to their customs with the inconstancy which changes them every day. When I say that they despise everything foreign, I mean only trifles;” source