To be a gamester is to have a position in society, although one is neither well-born, wealthy, nor a man of integrity
 Montesquieu, Persian Letters (1721). copy citation

Author Montesquieu
Source Persian Letters
Topic integrity society
Date 1721
Language English
Note Translated by John Davidson


“When they promise a woman to love her all their lives, they suppose that she on her side undertakes to be always lovable; and if she breaks her word, they think that they are no longer bound by theirs. Paris, the 7th of the moon of Zilcade, 1714. Letter 56 Usbek to Ibben, at Smyrna GAMING is very common in Europe. To be a gamester is to have a position in society, although one is neither well-born, wealthy, nor a man of integrity: it entitles one, without any inquiry, to rank as a gentleman. All know that it is often a most untrustworthy credential, but people have made up their minds to be deceived. Above all, the women follow it.” source