I will not allow it to be more man's nature than woman's to be inconstant and forget those they do love, or have loved.
 Jane Austen, Persuasion (1816). copy citation

Author Jane Austen
Source Persuasion
Topic love women
Date 1816
Language English
Weblink http://www.gutenberg.org/files/105/105-h/105-h.htm


“but what shall we say now, Captain Harville? If the change be not from outward circumstances, it must be from within; it must be nature, man's nature, which has done the business for Captain Benwick." "No, no, it is not man's nature. I will not allow it to be more man's nature than woman's to be inconstant and forget those they do love, or have loved. I believe the reverse. I believe in a true analogy between our bodily frames and our mental; and that as our bodies are the strongest, so are our feelings; capable of bearing most rough usage, and riding out the heaviest weather."” source