The value of a human soul, like the value of a man's life to himself, is inestimable, and cannot be reckoned in earthly or material things.
 Plato, Phaedo. copy citation

Author Plato
Source Phaedo
Topic value life
Language English
Note Translated by Benjamin Jowett


“and can never fall into the error of confusing the external circumstances of man with his higher self; or his origin with his nature. It is as repugnant to us as it was to him to imagine that our moral ideas are to be attributed only to cerebral forces. The value of a human soul, like the value of a man's life to himself, is inestimable, and cannot be reckoned in earthly or material things. The human being alone has the consciousness of truth and justice and love, which is the consciousness of God. And the soul becoming more conscious of these, becomes more conscious of her own immortality.” source