All the great artists are those who can make other men see their own particular illusion.
 Guy de Maupassant, Pierre and Jean (1888). copy citation

Author Guy de Maupassant
Source Pierre and Jean
Topic illusion artist
Date 1888
Language English
Note Translated by Clara Bell


“The illusion of beauty—which is merely a conventional term invented by man! The illusion of ugliness—which is a matter of varying opinion! The illusion of truth—never immutable! The illusion of depravity—which fascinates so many minds! All the great artists are those who can make other men see their own particular illusion. Then we must not be wroth with any theory, since each is simply the outcome, in generalizations, of a special temperament analyzing itself. Two of these theories have more particularly been the subject of discussion, and set up in opposition to each other instead of being admitted on an equal footing:” source