Every man should be responsible to others, nor should any one be allowed to do just as he pleases
 Aristotle, Politics (4th century BC). copy citation

Author Aristotle
Source Politics
Date 4th century BC
Language English
Note Translated by Benjamin Jowett
Weblink http://classics.mit.edu/Aristotle/politics.html


“the people are willing enough to elect them and are not jealous of the good) . The good and the notables will then be satisfied, for they will not be governed by men who are their inferiors, and the persons elected will rule justly, because others will call them to account. Every man should be responsible to others, nor should any one be allowed to do just as he pleases; for where absolute freedom is allowed, there is nothing to restrain the evil which is inherent in every man. But the principle of responsibility secures that which is the greatest good in states; the right persons rule and are prevented from doing wrong, and the people have their due.” source