For human nature should be early habituated to endure all which by habit it can be made to endure
 Aristotle, Politics (4th century BC). copy citation

Author Aristotle
Source Politics
Topic habit human nature
Date 4th century BC
Language English
Note Translated by Benjamin Jowett


“To accustom children to the cold from their earliest years is also an excellent practice, which greatly conduces to health, and hardens them for military service. Hence many barbarians have a custom of plunging their children at birth into a cold stream; others, like the Celts, clothe them in a light wrapper only. For human nature should be early habituated to endure all which by habit it can be made to endure; but the process must be gradual. And children, from their natural warmth, may be easily trained to bear cold. Such care should attend them in the first stage of life. The next period lasts to the age of five;” source