Novels are rubbish, and written for fools and for the idle.
 Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Poor Folk (1846). copy citation

Author Fyodor Dostoyevsky
Source Poor Folk
Topic writing novel
Date 1846
Language English
Note Translated by C. J. Hogarth


“It is no use concealing the fact that you and I have sinned against the Lord God.... You were going to send me a book of some sort, to divert my mind—were you not, dearest? What book, though, could now divert me? Only such books as have never existed on earth. Novels are rubbish, and written for fools and for the idle. Believe me, dearest, I know it through long experience. Even should they vaunt Shakespeare to you, I tell you that Shakespeare is rubbish, and proper only for lampoons—Your own, MAKAR DIEVUSHKIN.” source