To what depths of humility can poverty reduce a man!
 Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Poor Folk (1846). copy citation

Author Fyodor Dostoyevsky
Source Poor Folk
Topic humility poverty
Date 1846
Language English
Note Translated by C. J. Hogarth


“Next, he was for drinking the tea without sugar, and renewed his excuses, but upon the sugar I insisted. After long resistance and many refusals, he DID consent to take some, but only the smallest possible lump; after which, he assured me that his tea was perfectly sweet. To what depths of humility can poverty reduce a man! “Well, what is it, my good sir?” I inquired of him; whereupon he replied: “It is this, Makar Alexievitch. You have once before been my benefactor. Pray again show me the charity of God, and assist my unfortunate family.” source