Dogs and hawks are attached by feeding only—man must have kindness, if you would bind him with the cords of affection and obligation.
 Walter Scott, Quentin Durward (1823). copy citation

Author Walter Scott
Source Quentin Durward
Topic kindness affection
Date 1823
Language English


“he said to himself, “I do not pay this same burgess of Tours all the deference which I yield him, on account of the miserable obligation of a breakfast, though it was a right good and substantial meal. Dogs and hawks are attached by feeding only—man must have kindness, if you would bind him with the cords of affection and obligation. But he is an extraordinary person; and that beautiful emanation that is even now vanishing—surely a thing so fair belongs not to this mean place, belongs not even to the money gathering merchant himself, though he seems to exert authority over her, as doubtless he does over all whom chance brings within his little circle.” source