No persons escape causing jealousy who are worthy of exciting it.
 François de La Rochefoucauld, Reflections; or Sentences and Moral Maxims (1665). copy citation

Author François de La Rochefoucauld
Source Reflections; or Sentences and Moral Maxims
Topic jealousy escape
Date 1665
Language English
Note Translated by J. W. Willis Bund


“without it we retain all our faults, and they are only covered by pride to hide them from others, and often from ourselves. 359.—Infidelities should extinguish love, and we ought not to be jealous when we have cause to be so. No persons escape causing jealousy who are worthy of exciting it. 360.—We are more humiliated by the least infidelity towards us, than by our greatest towards others. 361.—Jealousy is always born with love, but does not always die with it. 362.—Most women do not grieve so much for the death of their lovers for love's-sake, as to show they were worthy of being beloved.” source