Raised as I have been, I see no worth in man or beast that is not theirs by virtue of their own mental or physical prowess.
 Edgar Rice Burroughs, Return of Tarzan (1913). copy citation

Author Edgar Rice Burroughs
Source Return of Tarzan
Topic virtue worth
Date 1913
Language English
Weblink http://www.gutenberg.org/files/81/81-h/81-h.htm


“"And then again, had I declared myself I should have robbed the woman I love of the wealth and position that her marriage to Clayton will now insure to her. I could not have done that—could I, Paul? "Nor is the matter of birth of great importance to me," he went on, without waiting for a reply. "Raised as I have been, I see no worth in man or beast that is not theirs by virtue of their own mental or physical prowess. And so I am as happy to think of Kala as my mother as I would be to try to picture the poor, unhappy little English girl who passed away a year after she bore me. Kala was always kind to me in her fierce and savage way.” source