The endless legacy of the past to the present is the secret source of human genius.
 Honoré de Balzac, Séraphîta (1834). copy citation

Author Honoré de Balzac
Source Séraphîta
Topic legacy genius
Date 1834
Language English
Note Translated by Katharine Prescott Wormeley


““The virtues we acquire, which develop slowly within us, are the invisible links that bind each one of our existences to the others,—existences which the spirit alone remembers, for Matter has no memory for spiritual things. Thought alone holds the tradition of the bygone life. The endless legacy of the past to the present is the secret source of human genius. Some receive the gift of form, some the gift of numbers, others the gift of harmony. All these gifts are steps of progress in the Path of Light. Yes, he who possesses a single one of them touches at that point the Infinite.” source