all is One as God is One, and we can perceive neither points of likeness nor points of difference.
 Honoré de Balzac, Séraphîta (1834). copy citation

Author Honoré de Balzac
Source Séraphîta
Topic likeness difference
Date 1834
Language English
Note Translated by Katharine Prescott Wormeley


“How came it that Evil, king of the earth, was born of a God supremely good in His essence and in His faculties, who can produce nothing that is not made in His own image? “But if, from this relentless conclusion which leads at once to absurdity, we pass to details, what end are we to assign to the world? If all is God, all is reciprocally cause and effect; all is One as God is One, and we can perceive neither points of likeness nor points of difference. Can the real end be a rotation of Matter which subtilizes and disappears? In whatever sense it were done, would not this mechanical trick of Matter issuing from God and returning to God seem a sort of child’s play?” source