If the world is imperfect, it can progress; if perfect, it is stationary.
 Honoré de Balzac, Séraphîta (1834). copy citation

Author Honoré de Balzac
Source Séraphîta
Topic progress world
Date 1834
Language English
Note Translated by Katharine Prescott Wormeley
Weblink http://www.gutenberg.org/files/1432/1432-h/1432-h.htm


“its forms would not perish, it could neither advance nor recede, it would revolve in the everlasting circumference from which it would never issue. In that case God would be dependent on His work; it would be co-eternal with Him; and so we fall back into one of the propositions most antagonistic to God. If the world is imperfect, it can progress; if perfect, it is stationary. On the other hand, if it be impossible to admit of a progressive God ignorant through a past eternity of the results of His creative work, can there be a stationary God? would not that imply the triumph of Matter?” source