A deeper insight into nature reveals God as creating the world out of nothing.
 Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, Science of Logic (1816). copy citation

Author Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
Source Science of Logic
Topic insight God
Date 1816
Language English
Note Translated by William Wallace
Weblink http://www.gutenberg.org/files/55108/55108-h/55108-h.htm


“it meets us even among the Greeks, at first in the mythical shape of Chaos, which is supposed to represent the unformed substratum of the existing world. Such a conception must of necessity tend to make God not the Creator of the world, but a mere world-moulder or demiurge. A deeper insight into nature reveals God as creating the world out of nothing. And that teaches two things. On the one hand it enunciates that matter, as such, has no independent subsistence, and on the other that the form does not supervene upon matter from without, but as a totality involves the principle of matter in itself.” source