Man is essentially a thinker: and therefore sound Common Sense, as well as Philosophy, will not yield up their right of rising to God from and out of the empirical view of the world.
 Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, Science of Logic (1816). copy citation

Author Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
Source Science of Logic
Topic philosophy God
Date 1816
Language English
Note Translated by William Wallace


“And so any attempt on the part of thought to ascend from the empirical conception of the world to God is checked by the argument of Hume (as in the paralogisms, § 47) , according to which we have no right to [Pg 103] think sensations, that is, to elicit universality and necessity from them. Man is essentially a thinker: and therefore sound Common Sense, as well as Philosophy, will not yield up their right of rising to God from and out of the empirical view of the world. The only basis on which this rise is possible is the thinking study of the world, not the bare sensuous, animal, attuition of it. Thought and thought alone has eyes for the essence, substance, universal power, and ultimate design of the world.” source