Life is a Becoming; but that is not enough to exhaust the notion of life.
 Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, Science of Logic (1816). copy citation

Author Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
Source Science of Logic
Topic life
Date 1816
Language English
Note Translated by William Wallace


“To refute a Philosophy is to exhibit the dialectical movement in its principle, and thus reduce it to a constituent member of a higher concrete form of the? Idea. Even Becoming however, taken at its best on its own ground, is an extremely poor term: it needs to grow in depth and weight of meaning. Such deepened force we find e.g. in Life. Life is a Becoming; but that is not enough to exhaust the notion of life. A still higher form is found in Mind. Here too is Becoming, but richer and more intensive than mere logical Becoming. The elements, whose [Pg 169] unity constitutes mind, are not the bare abstracts of Being and of Nought, but the system of the logical Idea and of Nature.” source