Likeness is an Identity only of those things which are not the same, not identical with each other
 Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, Science of Logic (1816). copy citation

Author Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
Source Science of Logic
Topic likeness identity
Date 1816
Language English
Note Translated by William Wallace


“All the same, as regards the principle of Leibnitz, difference must be understood to mean not an external and indifferent diversity merely, but difference essential. Hence the very nature of things implies that they must be different. 118.] Likeness is an Identity only of those things which are not the same, not identical with each other: and Unlikeness is a relation of things unlike. The two therefore do not fall on different aspects or points of view in the thing, without any mutual affinity: but one throws light into the other. Variety thus comes to be reflexive difference, or difference” source