love's best habit is in seeming trust,
And age in love, loves not to have years told
 William Shakespeare, Shakespeare's Sonnets (1609). copy citation

Author William Shakespeare
Source Shakespeare's Sonnets
Topic age trust
Date 1609
Language English


“Although she knows my days are past the best, Simply I credit her false-speaking tongue: On both sides thus is simple truth suppressed: But wherefore says she not she is unjust? And wherefore say not I that I am old? O! love's best habit is in seeming trust, And age in love, loves not to have years told: Therefore I lie with her, and she with me, And in our faults by lies we flatter'd be. CXXXIX O! call not me to justify the wrong That thy unkindness lays upon my heart; Wound me not with thine eye, but with thy tongue:” source