When the act of reflection takes place in the mind, when we look at ourselves in the light of thought, we discover that our life is embosomed in beauty.
 Ralph Waldo Emerson, Spiritual Laws (1841). copy citation

Author Ralph Waldo Emerson
Source Spiritual Laws
Topic beauty life
Date 1841
Language English
Reference in "Essays: First Series"
Weblink https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Essays:_First_Series/Spiritual_Laws


“Sole and self-commanded works, Fears not undermining days, Grows by decays, And, by the famous might that lurks In reaction and recoil, Makes flame to freeze, and ice to boil; Forging, through swart arms of Offence, The silver seat of Innocence. ESSAY IV: Spiritual Laws When the act of reflection takes place in the mind, when we look at ourselves in the light of thought, we discover that our life is embosomed in beauty. Behind us, as we go, all things assume pleasing forms, as clouds do far off. Not only things familiar and stale, but even the tragic and terrible, are comely, as they take their place in the pictures of memory.” source